Beautiful People,
I have learned from My Ascended MOM Betty J Tilman now a Spirit soaring throughout the Heavenly MultiVerse that no matter the aches and pains or disappointment of living…
When you honor yourself and relationships by deciding to live with forgiveness, integrity and patient understanding; then Love nurtures, heals and forever blossoms!
I must always remember to have Courage and to be tender with myself so I can Lovingly offer Gratitude to Our Blessed Divine Mother Father Creator as well as the Ancients, Ancestors and Angels who constantly whisper guidance and offer protection to me.
I Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times with Abiding Love..
Today I allow the Light of Love to move through me, like a wind of hope filled with good possibility and new confidence.
I will not give up on Goodness for the Spirit of My Beloved Queen MOMBetty lives in me.
Though I am aware that currently our World is fraught with envy, greed and hate;
All of life’s lessons offer me the strength, tenacity, and wisdom to live and Believe in Goodness.
And when I fail or fall, I may cry and feel sorrow but always I Will Loving Rise, and Begin Again.
Yes. I do believe that no matter how difficult life may become…
My Precious Queen MOM Betty J Tilman , I Re-Member and Honor You On Your Birthday!
Born December 20, 1933
Ascended June 29th, 2022.
Thank You for Being My Queen,
My Mother & My Number ONE Master Teacher of Courage, Forgiveness, Integrity and LOVE!
Love, Melony 👑♥️🐢👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈
#AscendedAngel #BettyJTilman