Mary Christopher Bio
Mary Christopher grew up in a farming community in southwestern Oklahoma, learning to ride horses at an early age and working on the family farm while growing up. As a result of growing up with farmers and ranchers and school teachers, her classes, meditations, and spiritual practices usually include an awareness of Nature.
From 1969 thru 1980, Mary lived in a spiritual community. She was in charge of several training centers and served as a regional director. Mary taught meditation and spiritual practices. She organized the community’s food and clothing programs and served as interim director for the center for homeless women and children in San Francisco. In the early 1970s, she studied with Murshid Samuel Lewis, who was teaching at the community, as well as several Buddhist teachers.
Mary has studied with Christian mystics, Native American, Hindu, and Buddhist teachers. Her classes are now online and she has a weekly podcast on Podbean.
Her teaching and meditations are focused on embodying, developing, and sharing our gifts. She fiercely believes that the point of most spiritual effort and practice is to make Earth a better place for everyone, including plants, water, the soil, and all living creatures. Yes, Rocks do “talk”! We just have to slow waaaaay down in order to “hear” them. This Life is definitely a Wonderful Adventure and Good Beyond Measure.