One of the most remarkable things that happened to me in Senegal was a birthday suprise orchestrated by Lamine Sylla. I got to meet his precious son/sun and the youngster’s beautiful, creative mother. I am the beneficiary of Blessings upon Blessings! 💥🫂🇸🇳
While I’m Here…
Beautiful People,
While I’m Here…
I want to live just in this moment with Good Purpose and Smiles of Love.
And if pain and sorrow come; I want to embrace my tears and let my heart heal of all the wounds I will have only just discovered.
Even then, I want to share gifts filled with the honey of healing, hope and Love that forever fill my heart.
While I’m Here…
I want to Breathe Deeply, Often and Regularly with Love.
I want to keep Imagining us living with Goodness.
I want All People to live in safe, beautiful communities with nourishing food and good healthcare, in homes of Loving Families.
I want us to care for and honor our Elders; as we live the good dreams of our Ancestors.
I want equality, justice, respect and an end to systemic racism, classism, and poverty of mind or Spirit.
I want the children of the next seven generations (and beyond) to be able to have fresh air to Breathe Deeply and oceans or lakes to swim in, without pollution.
I want everyone to have quality education to develop their genius and gifts; and to live without fear; so they can achieve their big dreams.
I want to Imagine more of us feeling connected to trees and flowers, birds, dolphins and all sentient life so we recommit to solve the problems of Global Warming.
I want to read books, listen to music, support the arts and continue to be inspired by living with compassion, courage, healing, humilty, patience, mercy, and forgiveness; as I Dream and Imagine a World of Integrity, with Peaceful Prosperity for All.
And I know that in the Twilight of my life, one day I will bid you Bye for Now…
Perhaps then I will be able to dance across the ocean waves before I fly and walk on clouds; and join the many gone before me whose Spirits now sing and dance with a Heavenly Glow!
While I’m Here…
I Want to Breathe with Hope; Live with Compassion, Courage, Healing, Hope, Integrity and Love with JOY!
Believe. Breathe. Say Thank You. Breathe. Pray. Live. LOVE.
Always, Melony👑❤️👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🌈
#Dakar #Senegal #Compassion #Courage #HoneyOfHealingAndHope #Imagine #Integrity #Love #Patience #WhileImHere