Miracle Alert on July 14th, 2024!

Beautiful People,

What do Melony McGant, Lewis Nash and Ben Vereen all have in common?

They are friends with Mo Rum,  owner Scent Elate.  And along with Mo, ALL are CoAuthors of the new book GOOD IS POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE. Ben Vereen writes a magnificent Foreword.

Today I spoke to Lewis Nash in Phoenix on my way to Scent Elate. It has long been a gathering place for us all.

I smelled an exquisite rose incense walking towards Scent Elate at 313 West 48th. It felt like HOME. Heaven On Mother Earth.

Mo was delighted to see me. We hugged and and I shared greetings from Lewis Nash. It felt like a magical afternoon and the energy was vibrating Love.  I was in the middle of a sentence and then all of a sudden Ben Vereen was standing in front of me. I screamed with Joy. What a Miracle!

My message to Ben, Lewis and Mo was “Please, Be Tender With Yourselves.”    We all laughed because these men are Supreme DoGooders!

We took a quick picture together, promising to get together again soon and then Ben departed for an appointment.

A healing place, Scent Elate is a NYC destination that caters to spiritual seekers from every field the world over, from locals to transients, intellectuals to celebrities, it is a place where façade and guard are put aside and being your self is possible. The energy of Scent Elate is charged with love and sincerity.

It is a perfect home for the GOOD IS POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE.

“GOOD IS POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE reminds us that no matter how difficult our lives may be, there is always a bright light coming from within, if we allow it. There is a sweet voice heard in us that wants to guide us to the top of the hill to look out over the possibilities of any day.  All we have to do is Choose Goodness. The good that we choose can and will blossom over time.  Most of all remember that as we wrap ourselves in the light of GOOD we become the light and shine through and above all the darkness. I invite you to read the many reflections in this anthology of GOOD.” — Ben Vereen, Cultural Icon, Living Legend!

“Visionary and spiritual lightbearer Melony McGant has woven together a wonderful collection of beautiful and thought-provoking stories by people from all walks of life, each highlighting the inherent power of Good to enrich and sustain our lives.  Treat this book as you would a trusted friend or mentor … as a source and a resource, filled with words of wisdom, inspiration and solace,”

— Lewis Nash, American Jazz Drummer, Bob and Gretchen Ravenscroft Professor of Practice in Jazz at the Arizona State University School of Music

🦋 Scent Elate is Open 11am to 7pm.  Located at  313 West 48th St. btw 8th and 9th Ave in NYC.

Stop by, browse and Purchase Your Copy of GOOD IS POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE at Scent Elate!

Blessings of Love, Light and JOY!

Melony 👑❤️👑

aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈


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