Rosario Jorge Do Amaral Bio

She was born in Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic on November 13th, 1957. She studied Law at the Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra and did a Master in Commercial Law at Laval University in Quebec, Canada. She was a Dominican Diplomat since 1983 until 1988. She was Cultural Attaché at the Embassy of the Dominican Republic in Washington, DC and Delegate of the Dominican Republic Mission to the Organisation of American States. In 1986, she married a Brazilian Diplomat in Washington and when he was transferred to Brazil, she had to leave her Diplomat Carrear. She worked at the Inter-American Development Bank in Brasilia as a Public Relation Assistant. She moved to Geneva, Switzerland in 1990 and worked at the Political Refugee Center as a Social Collaborator. She was Advisor to the Chief of Ceremony of the President in Brasilia, Advisor to the Secretary of Strategic Affairs in Brasilia, International Advisor of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports in Brasilia, International Advisor of Sao Paulo Tourism in São Paulo Parlamentar Advisor at the Brazilian Congress in Brasilia, and Ambasarress of Brazil in the United Kingdom and France.