Jazz Saxophonist #DaleFielder is a GOOD IS POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE Co-Author and a University of Pittsburgh graduate whom I have known for more than 40 years. Due to current wildfires of Southern California, Dale Fielder and his beloved wife Patricia Fielder have lost their precious home and much more. Thankfully Dale and his wife Patricia are still with us on the planet and Need Our Help. Below is an excerpt written by Dale Fielder from GOOD IS POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE: An Anthology of Hope! Please join me and Rebuild Hope for Dale and Patricia Fielder. With Deep Gratitude and Hope… Melony
MY 65TH YEAR ON THE PLANET by Dale Fielder
“As I reached my 65th year on the planet, I am at the realization of less time ahead than behind me. I find myself thinking quite a bit about death and making preparations for the new life to come. Wrestling with all the feelings of failure in all the
things I wanted to have accomplished by now, I am brought back to seeing all the goodness I have witnessed on Earth in these 65 years. Starting with the unconditional love from my parents–I was a surprise baby, born after raising my siblings and they were in their fifties. I knew without doubt I was conceived in Love and was bathed in it for the remaining 32 years of the 58 years they walked this Earth in marriage. Through their example, I have learned that no matter what
challenges, difficulties, and disappointments I created, they would still love me, and I experienced
how that always sustained me.
What I have learned about life comes down to one powerful point: that throughout all the Uni-verses, no matter what time or dimension, known or unknown, there is only Good. Goodness isthe essential nature of the Universe. There is no such thing as “badness” or evil. These are created by humans: miscreations or distortions of the true essence of universal life which in human terms can be described as Divine Love. “Goodness” has always been, as God has “always been.” Fear came later
and was also created by human beings. Fear is not inherent in Life Itself. It was a result of us using the Divine Life Force from a place of selfishness, etc.
One of the principles I live my life by is “Fear is a temporary loss of confidence in the inherent goodness of life.” I try to remind myself of this every day. What I have learned is that I have a soul that gives my life animation, gives me the ability to ‘exist’ on earth, and in the physical realm. This soul (for want of a better term) is a Divine Spirit that lives within me that comes from my father/mother God, whom I will henceforth refer to as The Creator. This ‘spark’ of the Creator’s body or essence was given to all beings throughout the Multi Universes. I learned to respect the fact that a similar Divine Spirit lives in another, even when they do not realize it, and is creating chaos or evil constantly through their actions in the outer world. This led me to learn that what occurs in my life that I perceive as challenge or as “badness” is a direct result of my own actions and miscreations. I have learned through my spiritual practice that to further evolve and grow, it was not enough to merely realize and understand that fact, but my God-given duty was to also clear my miscreations.
How? By focusing on The Light which brings feelings of “goodness” within myself and then outward (that is the nature of Love, in that it seeks to expand). This “feeling goodness” began to remove the feelings of fear, where I could now see the inherent goodness of Life in any situation. Using my spiritual practice of holding my miscreations in the light of the Violet Flame, I can transmute my miscreations back to their original state of God’s Infinite Perfection.
This is the knowledge I have learned through 65 years of seeking answers. That Light, Goodness, and Love are supremely spiritual and Divine. They come from the Creator and are how we are intended to walk the earth. By their very nature, they seek expansion. In other words, goodness is exponential and is why Christ’s only commandment was to “serve your fellow man through Love.”
This became The Golden Rule to do unto others as you wish to be done for self. When you give to another without thought of return, what is returned to you is “tenfold” and exponential. For me this is The Way to live this life; in Love with it all.”
Donate to Rebuild Hope for Dale and Patricia after a wildfire., organized by Brittney Bell
Co-Author Dale Fielder is an American jazz saxophonist, composer and bandleader. He is a multi-instrumentalist who plays all four saxophones: soprano, alto, tenor and baritone. He is known for his original compositions and choice of performing rare, obscure jazz classics as well as his varied group concepts and variety of presentations. Fielder has recorded over 20 CDs as a leader. He grew up in Midland, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Pittsburgh where he studied oboe, bassoon and tuba in the school system. Fielder is also a product of the University of Pittsburgh Jazz Studies Program, where he studied as an ethnomusicology major under Dr. Nathan Davis. After relocating to NYC, he also performed with a host of current jazz stars such as pianist/composer Geri Allen and trombonist Robin Eubanks, among many others.
After eight years in NYC, Fielder moved to Los Angeles and studied with alto legend Charles McPherson as well as his Quartet, featuring legendary pianist Jane Getz. In 1996, Fielder recorded a national top-ten CD, “DEAR SIR: TRIBUTE TO WAYNE SHORTER”. Fielder’s recent recording projects include: “RESILIENCE!”, DFQ~Dale Fielder Quartet 20th Anniversary 2-Disc CD released in 2016. In 2018, Fielder released a 35-year-old project featuring his late friend and jazz legend, Ms. Geri Allen; “SCENE FROM A DREAM–THE DALE FIELDER/GERI ALLEN SESSIONS, NYC 1986.” And in 2019, Fielder recorded his 21st CD: “CONSENSUS” with his Quartet, now in its 27th year as of 2022, and that CD was considered for a Grammy nomination. As with all of his albums, they are currently available at Clarion Jazz.com, Apple Music, and Amazon