
PAUSE: Sacred Gifts and Tender Moments…

Beautiful People,

Please take a moment and still yourself as you open your heart and clear your mind of all distractions.

Now Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

Let Us Offer Prayers of Compassion, Intimacy, Hope, Joy and Love.

We sometimes learn intimacy not always in words but more often by a tender touch in the Silence of the moment.

It is a Sacred Gift to sit with another and experience Not Knowing—Not Having the Answer but feeling Loved.

Sometimes we may feel intense suffering, sorrow or joy.

We may cry and discover that our tears become like rivers of compassion and forgiveness with the honey of Hope.

It is here that we learn to Trust, to have Faith, and to Love Unconditionally.

When we trust, we are able to embrace the many joys and sorrows of our of lives.

We also learn that Intimacy, Joy and Sorrow Are Sacred Gifts.

We may find that we are ill and there is no cure. A tender touch will give us comfort for the difficult journey.

We may embrace the sorrow of saying goodbye to a Loved One returning to the Infinite Heaven Realm; while at the same time feel joy that they have made a Loving impact on our lives.

Throughout life, Sorrow and Joy will always travel deeply into our hearts. They are intimate friends that teach us Gratitude.

Today, Let Us Honor the Tender Moments of Intimacy, Joy and Sorrow As Sacred Gifts of Divine Grace; and Expressions of Exquisite, Infinite, Eternal Love!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 👑❤️👑

aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🌈

#Breathe #DivineGrace

#Gratitude #Intimacy #Joy #LoveUnconditionally #SacredGifts #Sorrow #TenderMoments

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