Rev. Cheryl Fanion Cotton Bio

Cheryl as a 17-year-old HS senior joined the Civil Rights Movement in 1968, in support of the Memphis Sanitation Strike. She marched with Dr. King and Rev. James Lawson in support of the Sanitation Workers. She was at Mason Temple on April 3, 1968, when Dr. King gave his, “Mountaintop Speech.”

Cheryl was appointed to serve on the Quadrennial Emphasis committee for the new merger of the United Methodist Church from 1968-1972. Cheryl appeared on a Sunday morning panel discussion dedicated to the “Sermon on the Mount” panel discussion broadcasted at NBC Studios in New York City.

Cheryl was selected to be a member of the North America Delegation to the 26th General Assembly of the World Student Christian Federation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 1972.  Students from 89 different countries were in attendance. She met Emperor Hailie Selassie at his Emperor Palace. Cheryl is also the mother of two beautiful daughters Indira Cotton-Williams and Norie Cotton. She is the wife of the late, former attorney, Clencie Cotton.